Thanks Star. I am already organizing through tears. I may have the advantage of never losing my understanding that this COULD HAPPEN. I have been chatting on Facebook over the last two weeks about the possibility. So, here we are.

I have a zoom set up for Friday, and will do another next week for people with scheduling issues. The topic: What's Next? HOW do we resist? What does it mean to do so? And how do we stay as safe as we can while we do it?

If you have any guidance on these points I would be appreciative. Most of us are new to this. I am gathering the smartest people I know who are also committed to mitigating this horror.

We are the only heroes we have left. We must save ourselves and protect the vulnerable.

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My lovely m...my dear family and friends...... written after the first debacle of 2015, and now with essentially NO change from my perspective, posted today, 2024.

In my life, I've experienced many types of fear. I've been afraid of taking the training wheels off, not having studied enough, whether or not the person I liked liked me back, giving birth, experiencing surgeries,being a parent, making emotional, intellectual and/or financial commitments. I've been afraid for no reason I could discern, and for reasons that were pretty healthy. I wear my seatbelt. I keep an eye on my checkbook. If someone asks me nice, I'm pretty accommodating. I don't like roller coasters, will not willingly be riding in a car when someone who is impaired is driving,and sniff my food before ingesting it. I have been afraid in the physical presence of people who are threatening to me, and, over time, I've learned skills from keeping a low profile to being a reasonable shot.

As much as I take precautions that seem to me to be reasonable, I know that the unexpected can happen. A bus can come through the front window, people can accidentally poison puppies, and roads can be unexpectedly slippery. Bad things can and do happen. But, to speak a bit of legalese, there seems to be no malice aforethought.

I am writing this to let you know that I am afraid, afraid for my life.

There's an old Doors song that speaks of the revolutionary mindset of the young in the 60s. One of the lines says "they've got the guns,but we've got the numbers. We're gonna win, we're taking over." The doors are saying that things are equalizing and that the possibility of change is very real. In the election just passed, they have the guns, they have the electoral numbers, and very truly they are taking over. And they are doing so with the consent of the people. And this is A VERY BAD THING, that did not just happen. It was very deliberately accomplished. This deliberate intention is what I am afraid of ... that did not just happen.

It was very deliberately accomplished. This deliberate intention is what I am afraid of.

Yes, I am afraid of what the misogynistic, Homophobic, rapist Donald Trump Will do. I'm also afraid of what Republicans House of Representatives and Senate will do and let him do. I'm afraid of what the state and local governments will do. I'm afraid of what will happen to the Supreme Court .

But more than my fear of these legislative, executive and judicial bodies and people, I am afraid of my fellow citizens. Each and every one of them who voted for Trump and for the Republicans sent very clear message to me on a personal basis. Some of them are organizing KKK rallies, perpetrating violence against women and Muslims and other religions, and threatening more violence. Children are threatening other children in school that their parents will be deported.

I have no interest in any experimentation with pretending things are really going to be OK. They are not going to be OK. The haters have the power. Haters don't make things OK. I feel like I have a great big flashing red target on me.

I'm a woman.

I am a pagan. A very well-known pagan. An active Pagan. With a moon tattooed on my forehead. With books still in print. I lead a coven, and am a founding elder of a heritage.

I am old. I am sick.

I am disabled.

While it does not show at first glance, I have significant American Indian heritage, and more forebearers from Africa than from Ireland. Therefore I'm not entirely white.

And I hang out with other undesirables.

I am also afraid I am putting my children and grandchildren, my friends and family, in literally mortal danger by simply being who I am.

I am terrified. I certainly have no intention of returning hate to the haters. But I will do my very best to maintain my sanity, protect myself and those I love, and cause as little harm as possible.

Please pray for me, for all of us… Even the haters.

Cynthia Jane Collins


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I hear you. Prayers arising for all.

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Thank you, Marg. I truly appreciate your prayers.

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i hear you. Our Queensland elections have just occurred and we have much the same result, albeit on a much smaller scale. i am beginning to regret taking the standpoint of a witch for my thesis. But i WILL NOT be ruled by fear. Feel it, yes, but not be ruled by it. Love love love xxx

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First, thank you for your comment.

There doesn’t seem to be much difference when the haters hate. They make attempts to control, then to scapegoat an identifiable group (and some how ) blame the scapegoat (s), and either do or legislate their agendas, enforced with violence…all the while attributing to themselves the best of motives. Scale is the measure of greatness in that reality.

I’m so sorry Queensland is suffering. We play into the haters ways of control when we try to quantify trauma, The results are often to alienation from ourselves, one another, the beauty our world tries to offer us, love, kindness, clarity and others. We cannot do what they are doing without becoming less of ourselves.

I would love to hear more about your thesis.

.PS Starhawk wrote a book about what we are discussing….THE FIFTH SACRED THING.

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i'm pretty sure i have that book but haven't read it ... must look out for it! i am studying home educating mothers. Home education here is a bit different to what it sounds like in the US. You have so many Christians in your country! And the right wing home-edders are a powerful lobby group, backing their own Republican reps etc

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You have been on my mind and heart since the returns became clear. I see LAJFA weeping today with the rest of us. Tomorrow, she'll stand up and gird her loins and prepare for the trials ahead. We must do the same to the best of our abilities. Thank you for your words and guidance.

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We need new ways to communicate — starting by gathering insights with unbiased understanding. It will be a humbling process.

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I drive a bus between the Northern California redwoods every shift I work. Even in days like these, their wonder never escapes me. Their timelessness is a reminder that good and beauty are the natural flow of things that we need to latch onto right now. And the gratitude we feel with every natural thing we see and touch must be a part of a better future that we hold in our hearts collectively.

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This is so beautiful Starhawk. I am feeling into all the feelings and the sweet powerful seeds of Regeneration. Like the exchange of breath that feeds the green world and our own lives. thankyou!!!

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Grateful for these words and your wisdom

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May it be so 🌱🌿🌱🌿🌱

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Thank you 💚

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Thank you - this is what I’ve needed all day.

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This is Beautiful! Thank you Starhawk!

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Honestly it happened because Democrats stayed home.

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I keep rereading this Star, and centering on the links we all share and the strength and resilience we nurture in one another. Sumud! Loving gratitude!

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I did not allow myself to be hopeful because I didn't want to feel the way I did that fated morning in 2016 - a despair settled in that took months to lift and years to really recover from. Party, corporate democrats and the DNC own this loss and need to take responsibility. I don't expect that to happen however. What was most shocking to me wasn't the win, it was the magnitude of it. I assumed it would be razor close, or that he would even lose the popular vote, but not the electoral college. Whoa! Such a wake up call (literally) that morning. Well, one thing for sure, now we know exactly what we are dealing with. Any illusions have been shattered and we are now facing reality. I'm old now, can't walk all that well thanks to a bad hip, but somehow I feel a sense of strength. Like I'm pulling myself together, standing as tall and straight has I can, putting on my armor (I feel this literally), grabbing my staff and my cat and preparing to do what I am able. My concerns are for those who will be harmed in any way, which is many, many, many. My concerns are for Earth, who will bear the brunt of corporate greed and the ignorance and complicitiy of those in power now. So many of us are isolated, not living in community, literally on our own. (I live alone, with my cat in a small rural mostly MAGA area of NY state that I have not lived in long enough to really have a community). I am part of a few wonderfully supportive online communities, AND it is time for those of us with land or those of us with the $ to buy land, to begin or continue the hard work of creating on-the-ground communities. I don't know any other solution. We must find ways of protecting those of us who are the most vulnerable. We must find the strength and courage to put our lives on the line when it's needed, those of us who are able. And if we aren't, to find ways of supporting those who can. The work that needs to be done is no different than what would have needed to be done should Harris have won. It's just very very clear now, and very obvious that the time is NOW.

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As Roxanne Gay said: “ the narrative that the Democrats ignored the working class is really aggravating. Be specific. You’re talking about the white working class because the Black working class understood the stakes of this election just fine.” It was racism, sexism, homophobia, and the uncommitted movement. They are claiming victory while literally crying about Trump. Oops, maybe punishment politics doesn’t really serve us.

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We will rely on each other, on our heart's ability to love, our mental resilience, and above all, the beautiful fifth sacred thing. 💕

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